Firepit Designs

Graphic Design and test cut for CNC Plasma Cut Firepits

A new venture into the world of CNC. Forged in Creativity: Exploring our unique CNC Plasma Cut Fire Pit Designs.

Welcome to the showcase of my latest designs crafted for a welding shop. Each design is more than just a fire pit; it’s a story waiting to unfold.

Client: PYG Welding
Date: 2023
Services: CNC Design, Test Cut

Design 1:

Picture this: the ultimate gift that keeps on giving– a custom-made firepit destined to become the heart of countless family gatherings. So, here’s the scoop: a band of siblings got together to cook up the ultimate gift for their folks’ cottage. And guess who got the gig to design its four fabulous sides? Yours truly!

Now, let’s break it down: one side’s swimming with a fish theme, a nod to dear dad’s angling adventures. Another’s decked out with wine glasses and a serene setting by the lake, setting the scene for lakeside toasts and tales. Oh, and let’s not forget the pièce de résistance – a side welcoming all with the warm embrace of “Bienvenue au chalet,” promising a haven of cozy escapades.


Once the family gave the green light on the designs, off I went to my trusty cricut for a test cut using cardstock. Why cardstock, you ask? Well, because paper doesn’t dent the wallet like steel does, making it a savvy move for our budget-conscious project.

After meticulously weeding out any pesky flaws in the design (perfection is key, after all), it was time to pass the baton to the Welding shop. There, each side was expertly cut into sleek 36” by 16” panels, setting the stage for the next phase of our crafty adventure.

Enter Pat from PYG Welding, the maestro of metal manipulation. With deft hands and keen precision, Pat skillfully welded those panels together, forming the foundation and base of our masterpiece. And voilà, once the welding wizardry was complete, a sleek coat of black paint was the final touch, readying our creation for its eagerly awaiting new home.

Design 2:

For this next design, the logo I received was about as tiny and pixelated as a flea on a computer screen – hardly the stuff of design dreams. Alas, it was a non-negotiable: a redraw was in order. But here’s the kicker – this wasn’t your run-of-the-mill editing job. Oh no, this logo was destined for the unforgiving realm of metal cutting, presenting a whole new set of challenges, especially when it came to those pesky letters.

Picture this: if I didn’t tweak the text just right, we’d be left with Swiss cheese instead of smooth lines. Take, for example, the letter ‘a’ – in the original, it was an open circle. But to keep it intact in metal, I had to make sure that piece didn’t fall out and add what’s known as a bridge. I kept that style consistent throughout, ensuring no letter’s innards would end up on the cutting room floor. Same deal with the ‘d’ – without a nifty slash down the middle, we’d be staring at a hole rather than a letter.

Once the design danced to the tune of my digital pen, off it went to the customer, who gave it a resounding thumbs-up. But let me tell you, that wasn’t the end. Oh no, we hit a few bumps in the road during the pre-cutting phase on my handy cricut, requiring a couple of tweaks to ensure our creation wouldn’t crumble like a house of cards once put to steel.

With the design now tested and approved, it was time for the grand finale: the CNC Plasma cutter. And let me tell you, folks, the end result was nothing short of spectacular.


The customer beamed with joy as they proudly hung their sign outside their humble abode. But wait, there’s more! They came back with stars in their eyes, craving a round firepit adorned with the same magic.

Back to the drawing board I went, tweaking the original design to fit the new canvas. With a flick of my digital wand, it was ready for its encore, this time on a 56.5-inch-long and 6-inch-high stage. Straight to the CNC Plasma cutter it went, and with confidence, I watched as my creation took shape once more, a testament to the power of persistence and a touch of creative wizardry.